What is the english word for afrikaans afdak
- Karavaan Afdak - Idees asb - Forum Topic.
- Category:Afrikaans nouns - Wiktionary.
- English words of African origin - E.
- Kwotasie in English. Kwotasie Meaning and Afrikaans to English Translation.
- Die Pos 17 Maart 2017 by Die Pos koerant/newspaper - Issuu.
- Deeltitel-komplekse: Die voor- en nadele - Solidariteit Wêreld.
- Truss - Bladsye [2] - Wêreld ensiklopediese kennis.
- Free English to Afrikaans Translation - Translate to.
- Afdak - Wiktionary.
- Strandwoonstel W11A - Dwarswegstrandoord.
- The Global Origins of Afrikaans - Culture Trip.
- Afrikaans language | Origin, History, & Facts | Britannica.
- Huis afdak in English with contextual examples - MyMemory.
- List of English words of Afrikaans origin - Wikipedia.
Karavaan Afdak - Idees asb - Forum Topic.
Motorafdak. 'n Motorafdak wat aan die voorkant van die motorhuis opgerig is. Voorbeeld van 'n moderne, losstaande afdak wat oorsee verkoop word. 'n Motorafdak is 'n bedekte struktuur wat deur 'n huiseienaar gebruik word om beperkte beskerming aan sy voertuig /voertuie te bied teen die elemente. Die struktuur kan óf vrystaande of verbonde wees.
Category:Afrikaans nouns - Wiktionary.
Feb 04, 2018 · Afrikaans sayings are often so very literal. Some of the words that popped up on the thread was murg pampoentjie (baby marrow or directly translated as marrow pumpkin) and vloermoer (tantrum or. Many translated example sentences containing "afdak" - English-Dutch dictionary and search engine for English translations. / ˈafdak / Origin: Afrikaans Show more A lean-to; occasionally, a roughly-constructed building. 1970 E. Mundell Informant, Pearston (E. Cape) The sheep are under the afdak (shed). Show more 1993 C.M. Knox Informant, Cape Town His slave lived in an afdak down there because he was coloured and this guy was white.
English words of African origin - E.
. Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal/V1 2 DBE/2017 SSE - Nasienriglyne Kopiereg voorbehou Blaai om asseblief... Spel- en taalfoute in antwoorde word nie gepenaliseer nie omdat die fokus op begrip is.... die sypaadjie/onder jou afdak.)/Die rommelverkoping moet buite gehou word. Adverteer. Saal. huil. pous. voel. probeer. aartappel. eerlik. Fundamental » All languages » Afrikaans » Terms by etymology » Terms derived from other languages » Indo-European languages » Germanic languages » West Germanic languages » Dutch. Afrikaans terms that originate from Dutch.
Kwotasie in English. Kwotasie Meaning and Afrikaans to English Translation.
Gelede afdak. Dit word gereeld gebruik op die fasades van kafees en restaurante, op terrasse en balkonne met sy ontwerp wat versoenbaar is met elke begroting en 'n beroep op jou oë.... Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Azerbaijani Bosnian Bulgarian Croatian Czech Dutch English French German Greek Hungarian Icelandic Italian Kazakh Kurdish. Word Forms. Pronunciations. ☀. Appearance Use device theme Dark theme Light theme: Translations for awning. Afrikaans: afdak: Amharic: መሐንዲ meḥānid.
Die Pos 17 Maart 2017 by Die Pos koerant/newspaper - Issuu.
Jun 12, 2022 · Afrikaans language, also called Cape Dutch, West Germanic language of South Africa, developed from 17th-century Dutch, sometimes called Netherlandic, by the descendants of European (Dutch, German, and French) colonists, indigenous Khoisan peoples, and African and Asian slaves in the Dutch colony at the Cape of Good Hope. Afrikaans and English are the only Indo-European languages among the many. Stap armswaaiend sypaadjie af en buurman se kruiwa, drie tot vier maal jou geloste kruiwa se size, raak te sien. Dan is diep asemhaal mos lekker. Met jou leë hande, want kruiwa is mos onder die afdak, kan jy lag-lag vir buurman help om sy kruiwa afdak toe te stoot en daar te los.Van hier af is hande vat makliker.
Deeltitel-komplekse: Die voor- en nadele - Solidariteit Wêreld.
Ek het die week vir my karavaan n afdak laat opsit en dit het mooi uitgekom. Die hoogte van die dak is 3 meter so daar is baie ventelasie tussen die wa en die d... English & Afrikaans Forums. Total Topics: 23 749. Total Replies: 269 077. Total Views: 83 837 945. Latest Topics. Active Topics. Cool Topics. Resort Rating. Animals. Latest. You would definitely need the ability to communicate in foreign languages to understand the mind and context of that other culture. English to Afrikaans translation service by ImTranslator will assist you in getting an instant translation of words, phrases and texts from English to Afrikaans and other languages.
Truss - Bladsye [2] - Wêreld ensiklopediese kennis.
Afdak EUdict (European dictionary) is a collection of online dictionaries for the languages spoken mostly in Europe. These dictionaries are the result of the work of many authors who worked very hard and finally offered their product free of charge on the internet thus making it easier to all of us to communicate with each other. Dan is daar 'n tweede slaapkamer met 2 enkel beddens en 'n tweede badkamer met 'n bad. Bo in die solder is daar 2 enkel beddens en 'n dubbel slaapbank. Die leefarea is groot en sluit in 'n goed toegeruste kombuis, eetkamer en sitkamer met 'n kaggel. Daar is 'n onderdak braai area in die tuin en 'n motor afdak. The better you pronounce a letter in a word, the more understood you will be in speaking the Afrikaans language. Below is a table showing the Afrikaans alphabet and how it is pronounced in English, and finally examples of how those letters would sound if you place them in a word. Afrikaans Alphabet. English Sound. Pronunciation Example. A a. aa.
Free English to Afrikaans Translation - Translate to.
Translationly let you translate your text from English to Afrikaans for free. You can use translationly to instantly translate a word, phrases, or sentences from English to Afrikaans. The translated text is generated within a few seconds using various algorithms for a precious translation of your text. No worries to re-check the text you translated, we double-check before providing you with. Die vermoë om 'n afdak te kies vir die ontwerp van die huis, met behulp van metaal, hout, of deur hierdie materiale te kombineer; maklike toegang tot die motor, waardeur dit nie moeilik is om in en uit die motor te klim nie; die motor kan reg onder die afdak gewas word; verleng en brei maklik uit.
Afdak - Wiktionary.
Stel bevochtigingswater toestel: vier weke aan die bokant van die afdak opgerig sprinkel pype en one-way spuit kop, binne die afdak opgerig 'n ry elke 4-5 m dubbel sprinkel pype. Die rol van die spuit kop ruimte binne die afdak water, vog. Die toestel geïnstalleer moet word veld toetse te doen om te spuit laat geen geld. Paste or Type Afrikaans and instantly get Afrikaans to English translation Online. You need an online machine translator to quickly translate Afrikaans to English. We hope that our Afrikaans to English translator can simplify your process of translation of Afrikaans text, messages, words, or phrases. If you type Afrikaans phrase "Bel die polisie!". Jan 17, 2018 · Afrikaans is South Africa’s third mother tongue; it is spoken by fifteen percent of the population. There are more people that speak Afrikaans as their mother tongue. Only nine percent of the South Africans speak English as their native language. Approximately 95% of the words from Afrikaans comes from the Dutch language.
Strandwoonstel W11A - Dwarswegstrandoord.
Contextual translation of "huis afdak" into English. Human translations with examples: home, house, & home, "home!", home page, houseware, kar afdak, motor canopy. Mar 26, 2020 · On your computer, open English document in Google Docs. In the top menu, click Tools Translate document. Enter a name for the translated document and select Afrikaans language. Click Translate. A translated copy of your English document will open in a new window. You can also see this copy in your Google Drive. Jun 15, 2018 · Skitterend (skit-te-rint) / dazzling. The Dutch schitteren is a later form of schetteren (1556) which means “noise” or “repetitive noise.”. From there the meaning changed to “exuding light that seems alive.”. The word skitter was first recorded in the Afrikaans Patriot woordeboek in 1902.
The Global Origins of Afrikaans - Culture Trip.
Toe die afdak agter ons huis begin vervalle raak, het ek besef dat ek dit nie self sou kon herstel nie. Daarom het ek 'n paar oproepe gemaak, 'n paar kwotasies gekry en eindelik 'n bouer gekry wat 'n nuwe afdak kon oprig. Toe hy eindelik klaar was, het ek die werk nagegaan en agtergekom dat daar probleme was. Vlot, sonder om te huiwer, begin hy die Regulasie uit die boek te lees: "Enige voertuig, motor, lorrie of sleepwa hetsy dit daagliks gebruik word of slegs met druiwetyd en of dit nou onder 'n afdak (met dien verstande dat 'n boom geag word 'n afdak te wees) of in 'n skuur staan, hetsy dit van hout, staal, sinkplate of droë donkie- of. Die bladsy is laas op 8 Januarie 2018 om 06:16 bygewerk. Die teks is beskikbaar onder die lisensie Creative Commons Erkenning-Insgelyks Deel.Aanvullende voorwaardes kan moontlik ook van toepassing wees.
Afrikaans language | Origin, History, & Facts | Britannica.
It is the most accurate and widely used tool among all other language conversion tools. This platform is very easy to use to translate into English from Afrikaans words. Just type or paste your Afrikaans text in the left input box and press the space-bar key to get the translated text into English in the right output box. E.g. "Hoe gaan dit.
Huis afdak in English with contextual examples - MyMemory.
Plumstead, 6 May 1997. Hiermee, ons opregte dank vir ons mooi dubbelmotor-afdak. Johann, jy was ons eerste kontak met Proport. Dankie vir jou flink reaksie. Dankie vir die professionele, dog vriendelike manier waarop jy ons ingelig het oor moontlikhede ons het, en watter moontlikhede daar is in die gebruik van materiaal en metodes vir die.
List of English words of Afrikaans origin - Wikipedia.
Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. According to Susan Lombaard, Maroela Media's Chief Executive and editor, it is no coincidence that Afrikaans is the language in which they provide in your daily spiritual, entertainment and news content needs, but that it is the language that has given Maroela Media its existence. "We cherish and promote Afrikaans because the language is so.
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